Climate change & environment

Planners have a key role to play in the fight against climate change and its impacts.

Fighting climate change

How planners are leading the way

Where homes are built matters. Too often we see new developments with no access to public transport where driving is the only option. That’s why many planners have been campaigning for 20 minute neighbourhoods, a concept where everything you need from your local pub to your local employer are within a 20 minute radius of your home and can be reached easily through active travel like walking or cycling.

Planners can also influence new developments through local plans requiring energy efficient and reduced carbon proposals. For example, the London Plan requires developers to include on-site carbon reductions and local energy generation and the Welsh Government expects all new development that goes through the planning system to mitigate the causes of climate change through reducing energy demand and increasing energy efficiency

Planners can also play a key role in mitigating the impacts of climate change, for example protecting homes and infrastructure from flooding. Helping communities adapt to climate change is equally important to tackling climate change and planners can play a key role in both.  

Take a look at some of our case studies below: